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Shakespeares heilende Worte

05. November 2016Gast

Am 9. November bringt Schauspieler David Davies mit "Stagefright" Shakespeare nach Bamberg. Hinter dem englischen Ein-Mann-Stück steckt aber viel mehr, als nur die weisen Worte Shakespeares.

1946. Auf Tour mit einem Repertoire von berühmten Shakespeare-Stücken, bekommt Schauspieler-Trainer Sir Larry plötzlich Lampenfieber. Aber die Show muss weitergehen. Wird er sich für die Aufführung zusammenreissen können? Oder wird der Druck zu groß und Sir Laurence seine Nerven verlieren? Er findet seine Heilung in den Worten Shakespeares.
Basierend auf einer wahren Geschichte ist dieses Ein-Mann-Stück, erdacht und gespielt von David Davies, ein komödiantischer Blick auf das Leben der Wanderschauspieler und macht vollen Gebrauch von mehreren berühmten Reden Shakespeares - perfekt passend in 2016, dem 400. Jahr nach dem Tod Shakespeares.
Aufgeführt in zeitgenössischem Englisch mit Reden Shakespeares. 50 min.

Tickets: 8 € (Erwachsene) 5 € (Studierende und Schüler). Reservierung unter oder Abendkasse.

Wann? am 9. November 2016 um 19:30 Uhr, Einlass: 19:00 Uhr

Veranstaltungsort: VHS Altes E-Werk, Tränkgasse 4, Bamberg

Veranstalter: VHS Bamberg Stadt (VHS Bamberg)


On tour in Europe, 1945/46, performing Shakespeare for servicemen still stationed there, Actor-Manager, “Larry” finds himself suffering a debilitating dose of “stage-fright”. The only way to regain his nerve is to go back to basics and re-find his talent with the help of Shakespeare. A comic look at the pressures on the performer.

The play covers the following main ideas, facts and themes: *

  1. Stage-fright – much worse than a dose of opening night nerves, this is the kind of fear that stops a performer dead in their tracks and has a paralysing effect on their ability to perform. It can last for a night, a season or even for an entire career.
  2. The Old Vic Touring Company – a company that continued to tour Shakespeare during the War, taking Shakespeare, George Bernhard Shaw and Sidney Sheridan to the provinces.
  3. The Ministry of Information – Britain’s Ministry for Information was most busy during the War, making films such as “Loose Lips Cost Lives”, designing the “Keep Calm and Carry On” posters and funding the 1944 surprise hit film version of Shakespeare’s Henry V.
  4. Henry V – a propaganda play written by Shakespeare from Holinshed’s Chronicles of the heroic English King who defeated the French in the Battle of Agincourt. It was the first play performed at The Globe Theatre and is known to have been written to steel English hearts against the threat of the Spanish Armada at the end of Elizabeth 1’s reign.
  5. Richard 111 – another propaganda play designed to flatter Queen Elizabeth whose grandfather defeated the Humpbacked Richard at the Battle of Bosworth to become Henry V11 and establish the House of Tudor. Richard is a favourite villain of leading actors and audiences.
  6. Hamlet – Prince of Denmark – widely acknowledged to be Shakespeare’s masterpiece. The story of a genius Renaissance Prince who must revenge his murdered Father. The Prince finds himself unable to act and caught in a circle of self-questioning, doubt and existential turmoil.
  7. The Shakespeare Soliloquy – a device developed by Shakespeare whereby the leading character speaks their thoughts aloud and takes the audience into their confidence. Famous examples explored in Stagefright include Henry V’s “Once More unto the Breach Dear Friends”, Richard 111’s “Now is the Winter of our Discontent” and Hamlet’s “To Be or Not To Be – That is the Question” and “O, What a Rogue and Peasant Slave Am I?”
  8. The National Theatre of Great Britain – a 100 year project which was finally realised in the 1960’s. It took a huge step forward when the Committee for the Formation of a National Theatre was established by the British Government in 1946.


David Davies has worked in the U.K, Germany and Australia. He was an Ensemble Member of Bell Shakespeare Company at The Sydney Opera House from 2001-2006. He has worked for many Shakespeare Companies including The British Shakespeare Company, Shakespeare W.A and was the Company Manager/Leading Actor for GB Theatre. His roles include Hamlet, Romeo, Mercutio, Petruchio, Edward 1V, Oberon and many others. He also has many credits in contemporary theatre, film, television and radio. Last year he toured with his one-man play Hyde-the final statement of Dr Jekyll which is still playing to audiences around Germany. Please see for more.

* Please note that all the Play is self-explanatory and that no prior knowledge of the following or of the Shakespeare plays is necessary to understand it.